
Restrict user logins with pam_listfile

In some situations it can be useful to allow a direct ssh login only to a hand full of privileged users or groups. A typical scenario could be a web server or a mail server which is included into a LDAP framework. In this case all users in your directory may be able to login by default.

A very flexible and easy way to restrict the login is the pam_listfile module. It allows you to restrict the login to single users or groups. The allowed users and/or groups are listed in a simple configuration file. One entry per line. Thats all.

But first you have to change your pam (for the noobs: pam == pluggable authentication modules) configuration a little bit. Here you can see a simplified configuration for the sshd login on a debian box:

# PAM configuration for the Secure Shell service

# Allow only users who are in the groups listed in /etc/logingroups
auth required pam_listfile.so onerr=fail item=group sense=allow file=/etc/logingroups

# Standard Un*x authentication.
@include common-auth

# Standard Un*x authorization.
@include common-account

# Standard Un*x session setup and teardown.
@include common-session

# Standard Un*x password updating.
@include common-password

At least add all groups, which should be able to login, to the /etc/logingroups file. Don't forget to add the root group if you want allow root logins via ssh.

You can do the same with users. Simply change item=group into item=user and choose another name for the file attribute.

There may be other possibilities to restrict logins, but I believe this one is really elegant. Naturally, you can use the module also with other pam based services (eg login) too.