
How to resize NTFS partitions

Christmas brougth an new laptop with a preinstalled Windows XP. Because windows is only usefull for games but not for work, it was necessary to resize the NTFS partition to create space for an later Linux or OpenSolaris installation.

Because Windows XP is not able to resize it's own partitions I had to look for a third party software to do the resize. First I found all this well known commercial stuff like Paragon Partition Manager but they simply cost to much money for resizing this partition only once.

After a while, I found the Gnome Partition Manager (aka gparted). This tool allows you to add, delete, move and resize a lot of different types of partitions.

Using gparted is very simple. First download the gparted-ISO-image from the website and burn it on to an cd. This cd is bootable. After booting your computer from the cd you can directly start editing your partitions via a nice graphical user interface.

All in all a very nice and simple to use tool for doing all this partitioning stuff.